Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chapter 9

Hopefully now you will see why we'll spend some time this year on Greek Mythology!!

What do you think? Will having some knowledge of Greek mythology enrich your reading experience? Does using mythology make the writing/story better? What about naming characters after mythological characters? Can you think of any?


  1. I think that even if you have the slightest bit of knowledge about Greek Mythology you will better understand any literature you read. Greek Mythology is used in most literature, whether it be the place or a characters. Usually most writers do this for some significant reason, it helps tie the story together. Using mythology, most of the time, makes the story more interesting. There are a lot of stories that use references to Greek mythology. One example would be the stories of the Illiad or the Odysee has many references to the Greek Goddess Athena and many more.

  2. I think mythology is very interesting and deep, so i guess it could make stories and such more enjoyable and magical. I think it could also enhance your reading experience. There are movies like Hercules I loved as a kid, so i guess it effects us all in some sort of way.

  3. Knowledge of Greek mythology will definitely help your reading experiences with some books. I think using mythology makes stories more interesting because it shows the author's knowledge, but also, it gives you something to learn if you did not understand their meaning behind statements or characters in a story. I can't really think of any characters named after mythological ones but I do know some of the mythological characters are Zeus, Pegasus, and Hercules.

  4. I think greek mythology is a great thing to know cause most stories have some type of mission based from stories from greek myths. I think authors do it this way most of the time to make the reader just think a little bit deeper. I remember the many stories of Odysseus and where he acts much like a hero as in many movies and stories where someone has to become a hero. So i believe greek mythology can be linked to several stories and really does make the story a little more interesting because alot of stories are based off other peoples ideas., I think stories naming characters after mythological people has a deep impact on the reader and can keep the story interesting enough to make you want to keep reading it!

  5. I think that knowing Greek mythology will enrich your reading experience because a lot of authors use references from Greek gods and characters that sometimes foreshadow events coming up just because of the name and the meaning of the name, and if you know what the name stands for or what they are the god of then you will get a better understanding of the story. Sometimes using mythology makes a story better because it adds a sense of history to it but in a fun horoscope kind of way. It gives the characters more of a higher power quality because simply they are named after a god, and usually for a good reason in most stories.

  6. Geek mythology can definitely help you when reading. It can help you interpret the meaning behind the book. Greek Gods also have meanings them. The stories I remember reading always had a hero of some sort, but they always some weakness and it made them human like. You were able to able to relate to them in a way. I always liked the greek mythology stories. The only names I can think of is like Pluto, Aries, and Hercules.

  7. Having a knowledge of Greek mythology will help reading be a lot more clear. You could understand the storys depth better. You may see and comprhend something better than other because you know what the author is trying to allude to. Also, mythology in a story will make the story way more intresting. It gives it a kind of errie feeling like its a mystery. I can't think of any people named after Greek mythology characters at the moment but i'm sure there are. If you named someone Like apollo or Pluto you could get a sense of what there roll in the story would be.

  8. A lot of stories have mythology. I read a lot about mythology when i was younger. It makes things more interesting. I have always found Greek mythology interesting. I think it also give stories a creepy mystical feeling.

  9. i believe having knowledge of mythology helps when a peice of literature has a allusion to perhaps the Iliad or the Odessey but also it can help with charecterization by describing someone like narccisus you basically calling them narcissitic

  10. i think having greek mthyology knowledge will help me in my reading. i will understand more when the mention greek gods or talk of their powers. It can make the story better. If they say something was as strong as one of those gods, it shows it was very strong. Also, naming characters after gods would give them a more distinguished meaning to their name. If they talk about someone being Zues, it shows he is the complete ruler of something. I cannot remenber anytimes seeing a greek name right off thetop of my head though.

  11. I love greek mythology! I think it's so interesting to learn about, and it's used in a lot of literary works. With greek mythology, everything has a meaning to it or a lesson to learn behind it so, to me, it's comforting to know that I'm not just reading a random story or something completely irrelevant. A movie that comes to mind with a reference to greek mythology is Pirates of the Caribbean, the goddess Calypso...

  12. In many stories writers incorporate Greek mythology. Whether its using the name of a greek god or the name of a place, it can often times give the story a deeper meaning. Knowing and understanding greek mythology can always help you understand a story better. Many stories allude to Greek mythology especially to stories like the illiad n the odessey

  13. I think that having some knowledge of Greek Mythology will enrich your reading experience for many reasons. I think for one if you know what they're actually talking about when some Greek mythology comes up then you can understand why the author put it in the story in the first place and you may better understand what they are talking about when they meniton it. Also, i think that Greek mythology is interesting and some of the storys that i've heard that are about the Greeks back in the day are some of the most exciting or romantic or even far fetched (in a good way) that i've ever heard. Truely i think that you cant go wrong with the stuff! The stories that i can think of that include Greek mythology are the Odyssey and Pirates of the Carribean because it has the goddess Calypso in it.

  14. I think adding greek mythology to reading/writing makes everything more interesting. Greek mythology isn't studied every day and reading about it makes things more interesting. Naming characters after mythology is good because it makes you want to look up the name and figure out the meaning and everything.

  15. yes because some names in greek mythology have a some meaning in them, and if you dont know them then some parts of stories may not make sense. yeh, i believe naming characters after mythology characters can have a big impact on a story
