Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chapter 7

OK--so this one I definitely see. I can think of many allusions to biblical events and characters--especially in poetry. Many of the sonnets we will read will have biblical allusions. Novels are no different. One of the latest Jodi Piccoult novels is about a little girl who can heal and perform miracles, and I loved The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. If you haven't read them, they are centered upon the mystery of the bible and religion--and its political/financial power. (Both are really great movies too.) I think many of us forget that that although the Bible is religious in nature, it is also one of the most popular works of literature as well. It has poetry and stories people have read, studied, and loved for centuries. No wonder it is alluded to so often.

Here's your task--identify at least one biblical allusion. You can talk about poetry, short stories, novels, or even movies. Also, comment on why you think the Bible is referenced so often.


  1. Ok so my very first poetry response was on the poison tree. In this poem it talked about how someone was angry with a friend and how this anger just kept growing and getting worse. Finally this girl decided that enough was enough and she devised a plot. They author described this trap as tempting as the apple from the tree that tempted Eve. Then it went to say how the girls foe, after reaching up and taking the tainted apple was defeated and found lying beneath the tree. I think that the Bible is referenced so often because it is a major part of our history that people cab relate to and in literature you want a story that has many deceiving and challenging plots with lots of fighting and twists and turns. Most of the stories in the Bible are just that. Therefore its a go to story to cheat off of when trying to create a suspenseful yet educational story line.

  2. A biblical allusion, lets see, the only thing i can think of is of course Lord of The Rings. These allusions are very settle but they are there. A ring of power, absolute power. It's evil and anyone who has it becomes evil and corrupt, they become not themselves much like what evil can do to people today. Only one person can destroy that power and what would you know it, it's a hobbit. A tiny, harmless, and humble hobbit. It shows you that the smallest people can surprise you, friends can over come anything, and if you believe in yourself you can tackle your biggest monsters.
    I think the bible is reference the most because it is the books of all books. It has everything in it for example: love, hate, jealousy, deception, lies, deceit, leadership, death, and life. No other book is like it. Thats the truth.

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  4. An example of the most recent book that i have read all the way through that has examples of biblical allusions is "The Giver." Jona is given the power to a whole community passed down from the giver. He is acting as the son of Christ in my belief being given the power to bring all people together which is why i believe Jona symbolized a father figure like christ. I think the bible is referenced so often because its a book we can all set down and relate to when we might of had a bad day or a an argument. Some people may have trouble with the context of the vocabulary used in the bible but the point im trying to get across is there is so many stories and lessons to be learned from the bible we will spend our whole life finding ourselves relating situations to the bible.

  5. Well the closest one i can thing of is Chronicles of Narnia. It is about Aslan who is the savior of narnia from the evil witch(or something like that) which christ was the savior of the world from sin(satan, evil). Obviously the bible is used all the time in mainstream and church. It affects the morals in our culture, whether people are religious or not. The bible pertains to situations we face throughout our lives and teaches us how to deal with them in a kind and moral way.

  6. Chronicles of Narnia have bible allusions all through it with Aslan dying to protect edmund is an allusion to when Christ gave himself up for us. it is most definitely popular in a lot of literature because of the fact many of the people can relate to it and and it affects the morals of the society

  7. Like most others, the most common thing that comes to my mind when I read this question is "The Chronicles of Narnia". Like the lion has to be killed in order to save his nation, like Jesus had to die on the cross to save all of us for our sins. Also, "A Christmas Carol" mentions the nativity and The Ghost of Christmas Present mentions Christmas and its founder being a child. I think the Bible is referred to a lot, because it is the oldest book and even if you're not a christian or go to church you know what the Bible is and what some of the stories are.

  8. One movie I can think of other than "The Chronicles of Narnia" is "The Matrix." This movie was loosely based from events in the Bible. Neo, the main character in the movie, was "the one" who was destined to save the world from the bad guys such as the agents in the film. This can be interpreted as how Jesus (Neo) was sent by God to save the world of sin (agents). I know it's kind of far fetched but it fits. I think the reason the bible is referenced to so often is because it is one of the largest religions in which many people can relate.

  9. The bible is so often alluded to because it is the oldest and most popular book of all time. In a sense, the Harry Potter series has a biblical allusion of good vs. evil such as Harry vs. Voldemort where as the bible is portrayed as God (Jesus) vs. the Devil.

  10. Okay so a biblical allusion I can recall is in the movie Holes. A character or Hector is tempted to take something, which is shoes, that he knows he cant have just like Eve took an apple from the tree. But his actions also affected Stanleys life as well and got him into trouble too and both of them were sent to camp green lake. Just how Eve got Adam in trouble alos and they were both thrown out of the garden of Eden. But in all Hector and Stanley go on a mission, kind of what we christians do in our lifetime searching for the salvation of Jesus, and finally came upon Gods Thumb. In the end Stanley and Hector find the missing piece which is the chest buried in a hole and in the end it starts raining kind of like the great flood. But i think writers reference the Bible so much because anyone can relate to it, everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve or Noah and the ark or Christ dieing on the cross for us, so writers use the Bible to get their readers thinking and to connect to their lives somehow.

  11. Hm..on and episode of CSI: NY there was a man who had built an ark in his backyard. He claimed that God had told him to build it and to take as many people with him to save them from the great flood. It's an obvious allusion.

  12. There are many things that use allusions to the bible. One in particular that I can think of is a movie named Evan Almighty. In this movie, Evan is visited by God and he tells him to build an arc, just like in the bible. I believe that the bible is alluded to so much because everyone knows about all, or almost all, the stories that take place. It also represents how we came to be. If you think about it, it is kind of a way of life, not just some book.

  13. One biblical allusion that comes to me Chronicals of Narnia. The lion acts as a full sacrifice for the people. The lion didn't have to do it but choose to. Another is Armagedon. At the end they drew straws to see who had to stay back and dedinate the bomb and would die. The guy that chose it went down with another guy. The man that wasn't suppose to went in the other guys spot. The bible is very alluded to. I have heard before that The apostle Paul ,who wrote a big portion of the bible, is one of the most quoted people ever. The bible has had a unbelivable effect on people so it would obviously be a place taht perople look to for ideas in books and movies.

  14. The only biblical I can think of right now is the movie Evan Almighty. In the movie, God told this gguy to build an arc. To make this short, the guy built the arc and had all the animals on it. I think the bible is refernced to so much is because I think everyone has read some part of it, and will understad the allusion

  15. I can think of about a hundred biblical allusions in movies and books right now, like in harry potter, lord of the rings, chronicals of narnia, star wars. In star wars you have the Jedi who could represent Christians who are constantly in battle with the Sith, which represents evil (satan). Then a small, poor boy comes along who is to be the chosen one (yes i know anakin turns to the dark side but if u want to get technical he could always be like the angel that got kicked out of heaven and is now the devil) who is supposed to save everyone from the sith. The bible and the ideas it represents have made a huge impact on the world and peoples lives, which is why people use its ideas so much, if you go and look at the laws in our country many of them are ideas from the Bible

  16. a biblical allusion i can think of is in saving private ryan. basically, a group of soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives to save another soldier and bring him home. i think the bible is referenced so much is because it has so many things to learn that can make peoples lives better
