Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chapter 8

I love fairy tales! And how cool is it that he mentions Paducah?!

So, can you think of any stories you've read that remind you of fairy tales? Anything with an evil stepparent? A "prince" who rescues a fair maiden? A jealous "queen"?

I can't help but be reminded of Harry Potter. He has horrible stepparents and although a handsome prince doesn't come to his rescue--a big, hairy semi-wizard does. (Think back to the first novel when Hagrid appears.) I also think about how when he's at school, it's like Cinderella at the ball--all of the magic works. At midnight/summer break, it's back to his normal, dreary life.

Your turn. Think of a short story, novel, TV show, or movie that reminds you in some way of a fairy tale. Explain why.


  1. Well, lets see. Obviously cinderalla, and the updated movie version the cinderalla story. Sorry i cannot think of many more than this because I am not into that type of genre in particular. But I think there has been many movies where someone is in a bad position and is rescuded. Kind of like in the movie matilda. She has horrible adopted parents and finds her gift of being smart and having powers, and moves in with her wonerful teacher. That was one of my favorite movies growing up. Haha.

  2. The first thing that came to mind for me was the uninvited. It's a movie that is about a girl that comes home after being away and she now has a new step mother. At first she doesn't know what to think of her but then she finds out that she is in fact wicked. By the end she believes that she is trying to kill her which is a bit extreme for a fairy tale but the basic concept is the same. She has her start setting the table, cooking dinner, giving her a curfew, etc. all of which you would expect a wicked step mother to do (in a fairy tale it'd be staying locked in the house cleaning) so they do relate.

  3. I love "Cinderella" and all of the updated versions of them so they definitely fall under this category. I also agree with Josh on "Matilda", she didn't exactly have step parents but her parents didn't believe in her and she found her own parent. Like Kinsi, I have watched "The Uninvited" and it also goes along with this really good as she has explained above. However, the story I want to talk about is "Shrek 1, 2, and 3". The prince hires Shrek to go and rescue the princess from the castle that is guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. Shrek and donkey have to distract the dragon to get to Fiona, who they don't know at night turns into an Ogre, because that's what the fairy godmother set her up to do until she kisses her one true love. The fairy godmother's son was actually supposed to rescue Fiona and marry her so he could be on the kingdom too, but Shrek gets there first. This is like a fairy tale because all the animals can talk and also in the end Shrek stops Fiona from marrying the little short dude because he loves her and Shrek kisses her and instead of her staying a princess she turns into the ogre. They meet her parents and there are problems. Shrek goes to get a potion for her to stay a princess and him to turn into a hot dude and donkey to be a noble stead. And everyone knows the rest of the story but these 3 movies definitely covers most of the aspects in fairy tales.

  4. A movie which reminds me of a fairy tale is "Bubble Boy." This movie is about a boy who is forced to live in a bubble so that he can not be harmed by germs. This bubble caused him to be kept away from his "true love" who had to move on and found someone who was a horrible person. Once the bubble boy found that his true love was getting married to someone else he ran away risking his life to save this girl from making a huge mistake.

  5. The classic setup for a fairy tale is now, of course, Twilight! I mean when you think about it it's the definition of fairy-tale...Bella is always the damsel in distress and Edward is there to rescue her, they are hopelessly in love but what's the problem? He's a vampire, and unbelievably stubborn at that. He is constantly trying to convince Bella she would be better off without him, but as it goes with fairytales-they get their happy ending! : )

  6. A movie that reminds me in some way of a fairy tale is Matilda. This movie portrays the fairy tale of Cinderella because Matilda, an unwanted daughter of two mean parents who dont care about her, force her to gather parts for her dads scam business and dont let her go to school. Also her teacher Miss Honey is also playing the part of Cinderella by having an evil stepmother Mrs. Trunchble (?) who forced her out of her house took her things and tortured her all her life. But in the end Miss Honey could be considered the prince and saves Matilda from her parents by adopting her and also Matilda saves Miss Honey and helps her get her things back, and they live happily ever after in the end.

  7. My favorite fairy tale movie is Ever After. It reminds of what "Cinderella" is suppose to be. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. Drew Barrymore's character lives with her stepmom and her two step sisters, only one is evil. The evil sister is trying to marry the prince. Which of course Drew Barrymore has already met and fell in love with. To get to know the prince more she pretend to be someone else by calling herself by her real mothers name and wears royalty clothing. The prince finds out, but in the end love does conquer all.

  8. My favorite Disney movie of all time is Ella Enchanted. The girl has the gift of obedience. It's not acutally about "Cinderella" but she has to do whatever her step-mother and step-sisters tell her to do. It's a really good movie. In the end, Ella gets to marry Prince Char...

  9. There are so many fairy-tales out there it is so hard to just choose one thing that reminds me of them. One that comes to mind would have to be Hood Winked. It tells the tale of "Little Red Riding Hood" but it goes more into depth in the story. It tells of how each of the characters in the story came to be at Granny's house at the exact time. It also has a whole other plot going on at the same time. For anyone who hasn't seen it I would highly suggest you watch it. It is one of the cutest versions of a fairy-tale that I have seen.

  10. In my opinion the movie forrest gump is like a fairy tale. Gennys dad is mean to her and then he tried to rescue her. Everybody knows in the end of the movie they have a kid together and name him little forest haha. So i guess in my opinon that was like a fairy tale type of story.

  11. In our marching band show this year the second movement of the Firebird Suite is called "The round dance of the princess". The prince goes to rescue his princes from the evil. I also think about Shriek. Shriek goes along with tons of fairy tales. In the 1st Movie Shriek goes to rescue the princess for the king. But in the end he ends up marrying her anyways.

  12. wow....well the only book i can think of is the Great and Terrible beauty series where the girl falls for the wrong guy the one she isnt supposed to love a gypsy instead of a prim and proper duke or gentlemen i have never really liked the whole damsel in distress thing it bothered me as kid

  13. A book I read recently was just like a fairy tale story. In the book, a kid has to live in a group home because his mom died. They were like the eveil step-parnts kind-of. Then this big secret organization finds this kid and puts him in training, and the place is very nice. It is almost like the secret organization saved him.

  14. Im with Dylan, because ive also read the CHERUB books. Or even in star wars when the Jedi take anakin, no anakins mom wasnt like an evil stepmom but he lived in poverty as a slave which in a sense can be just as binding as an evil stepmom and then the Jedi (the prince) come and take him to a better life

  15. n the movie august rush the main character is a boy who never met his parents and lives in foster homes but tries to find his parents. both of his parents loved music and he is born naturally loving and understanding music. he goes on this quest to find his parents and in the end he finds both of them
