Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chapter 4

Wow--so the sonnet is the only poetic form we need to know? I wish he were the one writing the AP exam! However, I have to agree to a certain extent, it is probably the most common type of poem we study.Other than his explanantion of the types of sonnets and his remarks that Shakespearean sonnets are divided into 2 parts (the first two quatrains and the final quatrain/couplet)--with which I totally disagree--I thought he made a lot of sense. Before you try to pick apart a poem, you should read just to get the point, the enjoyment. (I know--many of you don't enjoy them!)Also, there can be quite a bit of meaning in only fourteen lines. I loved how he mentioned that short poems must take far more time to write than longer ones, because everything has to be perfect. How true that must be.

OK, so for your response--tell me what you thought about the sonnet included in this chapter or what you thought about Foster's (the author) explanation for what's important in poetry. Your response should be 50 words. (EXACTLY)


  1. I like this poem.
    The person that viewed this happening didn’t see them holding hands but could still tell that they were connected at the heart. That they were in love. They vanished out of reach as one. This poem isn’t very long, but it says a lot. I like how it describes the setting.

  2. It apparently was not about them holding hands, but the holding hands symbolized them being in love. It was an okay poem, im not much for love stuff, but its alright. I really do love this book though, and how its teaching me about literature. I am starting the next chapter.

  3. I think he used this sonnet to prove his point that short poems must take longer to write because it takes more time to get everything worked out the way the writer intended it to be. This sonnet is not very long-so I like it-but I'm sure it took a while to perfect.

  4. I like the sonnet in this chapter. The author of it talks as if he is in third person watching it happen before thieir eyes which really intrigues me. I enjoy the style of this sonnet because it showed me that if you can’t show love physically, the love is still there.

  5. I like the poem. In only 14 lines, or just two sentences, it tells a kind of love story. From the beginning of the poem to the very end you knew for a fact that the couple is in love and you actually get a sense of sorrow for them having to part when a sudden ripple made the togetherness of their reflection in the water disappear and break apart.

  6. The sonnet in this chapter was really good! Though it was short, it seemed well thought out and not so simple. I like how it said that they were not hand in hand but heart to heart. To me, that says that to be in love you don't necessarily have to always be together.

  7. I believe the poem Foster chose justifies everything he said about what is important in poetry. I really liked the poem alot, I love how it says they were heart to heart instead hand to hand. It gives a feel of two people destined to be together but can't be.

  8. I liked this poem. It showed everything that the author said a sonnet was and really opened my eyes to that type of poetry. It caught my attention when it said they were on the brink many times, but they never parted until the end of the poem. They tried until the end.

  9. i liked the sonnet its shows the feelings of the people it describes how even though they are far apart they still will forever love each other until the end of time. i think that the author really hit the nail on the head and how important sonnets are.

  10. In this poem, he said exactly what he needed to say. Which what i got from the poem was that the two main people couldn't be together. It was full of emotion and had i thought it was very high school. But i think it was why i like it.

  11. I think the poem distinguished that the two in love didnt have show there effections by holding hands or making their love a huge deal . i think that they showed it to themselves through a way we as the audience dont understand. i happen to like this poem myself alot.

  12. I loved how in sonnets that there are two parts. The octave and the sestet. In the sonnets in the book you can identify the diffrent parts. In the octave she shows two lovers with something about to happen to them. In the sestet the deep loving emotions get out.

  13. I really liked the poem in this chapter. Even though it was short it was everything the author said a sonnet would be and even though it is short it isnt a simple poem. I liked how the people didnt have to show their emotion because they were heart in heart. Also even though the people couldnt be together they tried to until the very end

  14. The poem in this chapter was deep and sweet. I liked it. It sorta reminds me of my aunt and uncle. They fight and argue, what couple doesn't? They are always able to tell that they love each other. It's obvious by the way they look at each other.

  15. Their hearts leap up and down for each other which shows how they do love each other but, in reality they just aren’t working out. They like the idea of each other but can’t get past their differences. Then in looking at the reflection they can almost save that memory of what they look like together and a breeze comes and destroys that picture which is almost an act of faith showing them that it just wasn’t meant to be. I really liked it. :)

  16. i liked how the sonnet is short and to the point. the author was able to show how much the two people loved each other and include so much information in just 14 lines. i really liked this poem and i think ill read more of these from now on.

  17. I liked the sonnet in this chapter. It shows how for a short period they connected. It explains how someone can find love another person in a quick amount of time. Most couples fight a lot but they usually get back together because they love each other a whole bunch.
