Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chapter 14

OK, so I'm stumped. I've been trying to think of a character in a story I think could be a Christ figure. It may take me a little while.

This chapter, like many others in this book, does one main thing--it makes me think. It makes me think back over books, stories, and poems I've read to try to identify some of the issues this author has discussed. It's amazing how much you miss if you don't read closely. Is Hamlet a Christ figure? No. Macbeth? No. Maybe I need to think American. Willy from Death of a Salesman? Not really. Like I said--I'm going to have to think for awhile.

For this chapter, just tell me what you think about it. Also--can you think of any stories where there is a Christ figure?

(I'm going to try to find at least a short story where this could be a possibilty.)


  1. This chapter does make you think. One thing that keeps running through my mind is whether or not Owen Meany could be considered a Christ figure. Throughout the book there was always something biblically paralleled to him that could lead you to ask yourself, "is there really more to Owen?"

  2. Christ is probably the most known person esp. in America and I know the bible is the most sold book so therefore I believe that most writers do frame their stories around Christ because it is known a lot and people can make the connection better. As long with Kelli, i thought about owen meany also. It made me think if he really was a Christ figure or not.

  3. this chapter made me think to an extent my mind hasnt really ever explored, and i think it was too much for me. I kept trying to think back to books and things i have read and tried to find a christ figure in them but of course no luck. But i agree with Kellie, Owen Meany was a different type of character, was he a christ figure who had a very important meaning to the world or just another normal character?

  4. I agree, there are many characters in a story who could be claimed to be based from Christ. The Bible and the whole story of Christ is very inspirational and motivational. Writers are always inspired by other things so why not get inspiration from one of the most popular stories? The only character I can think of for sure that is based from Christ is Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia.

  5. When you said Christ-figure...I instantly thought of Owen Meany. He claimed to be Gods tool. He claimed that it was his destiny to kill John's mother. That is the only one I can think of at this moment..

  6. When he was talking about the Christ figure and basically describing it, my nerdy self didn't think of of Owen Meany. It thought of Lord of The Rings. Go figure. For same reason when I read Owen Meany, I did not think of him Christ like. A good person definitely, good intentions sure...but I don't know...Christ like never popped in my head. But in Lord Of The Rings, I believe Frodo is Christ like backwards and forwards. He has his followers and the people that betray him. He is on a journey not necessarily to spread the good word, but to destroy evil. There is war, faith, and and battles to overcome inside and out. That's why i think it is Christ like.

  7. well when i think of a Christ figure i think of Aslan from Chronicles of Naria especially in the first one if you think about it. its got Bible references everywhere. when aslan dies to protect Edmund even though he has done nothing wrong.

  8. As everyone else on here, i think of aslan from narnia. I guess you could look at saviors of all kinds from all movies, as in braveheart who saves his country.

  9. This chapter made me think just as everyone else i think. I appreciate how authors use the figure of christ through many of the characters and stories they create. In the prayer for owen meany, owen was the perfect symbol of christ. Everything that happend with him in the story was like a parallel to Christ. For example, during sunday school the kids would raise him up in the air which was christ like because we all know that christ was nailed to the cross and three days later he rose.

  10. Until this chapter i've never really thought about "christ figures" in literature but really i bet they are everywhere! I think it's clever and helps bring out a certain meaning if a writer were to add a christ figure into their work. In fact i like the idea that you can put christ figures into everyday stories, stories with drug dealers, psycho killers, mixed up family drama, etc. From now on im going to start looking for a christ figure in the literature that i read and i really hope i find one. I think it's educational, meaningful, entertaining, and adds to a story if there is one.

  11. I think there is a Christ figure in very few pieces of literature. I agree with Kelli, because Owen Meany was always sayingn that he was god's instrument and isn't that basically what Christ himself was, in a way. Owen gives his life for those children, just like Christ did for everyone.

  12. There are only two that I can think of right now and those are Aslan and Owen Meany. They are both christ figures in their stories and it is very obvious for both. This chapter made me think a lot about whether or not a lot of characters were christ-figures. It has me confused thinking about all of them actually.

  13. this Chapter makes you think alot, it has made me think back to the stories ive read and so far i think owen meany is a christ figure and so is aslan. Theres probably so many more stories ive read that have christ-like figures i just cant figure out which ones
