Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chapter 13

I have to agree that many of the things we read are political in one sense or another. Think back to just this week--the portion from Toni Morrison's book Sula--that was definitley political. Although the story was simply about a woman on a train, it said much more than that.

We are going to read a play soon called The Importance of Being Earnest. It is a comedy, and I think you guys will really like it, but it is very political. It is what's called a satire. That's when a writer uses comedy/humor to make a more serious point. Think Saturday Night Live--many of the great skits (especailly the political ones) are really meant to send a more serious message.

Why do you think writers disguise their points in fiction? Why not just write an essay about what they really think?


  1. I think that writers don't just write essays about what they really think because nobody would really take the time to read them or watch them (SNL)...Essays aren't exactly something that would make me say "Hey, I wanna sit down and read about this because it's about a deep political message!" Entertainment and media plays a huge role in modern society so writers are forced to incorporate that into their message whether it be by writing a non-fiction book, or making a show on TV like Saturday Night Live.

  2. I think if writers just named the book what they really wanted the hidden point about then people wouldn't pick up the book and read it. However, if they make an interesting book with a hidden point that you realize when you read it then you are more apt to read the book.

  3. I think writers disguise their points in fiction because not everyone would really care about some writer's opinion on a subject. Disguising their points using comedy or some other form can appeal to a wider audience who otherwise would have never put any effort into listening or hearing what a writer wants to say. It's like hidden education on a subject .

  4. Well disguise in writing is a wonderful thing, otherwise everyone would be drooling on themselves from boredom. i seriously do not want to read an essay about the worlds problems, break it to me easy, disguise it and you can most likely keep your readers awake. That i believe is why writers make their points in fiction, its more fun for the both of us with no doubt.

  5. I think we make it to what we want it to be. Maybe the author wrote it wanting it to mean one way, but we take it a anyway direction as in politics when it was a literal meaning nothing deeper. But that would be quit boring huh? Politics is deep itself and we love to find hidden meanings in books and in poems and T.V. as well that deal with politics. It makes a good story in my opinion.

  6. I htink everything has its own meaning. That meaning can be many different things...the way we take it or the way others take it., Kinda like a euphemism. Sometimes the words are used with positive connotation and are meant to have a negative connotation...

  7. well personally i would not wanna read a essay about politics...Snooze fest much...but if per say i were to read a book that has political meaning to it but it was fiction then yea i would want to read more then the Essay.

  8. Because it gives readers an interesting way to view thier opionions and become more open to their ideas. sometimes if we see something that disagrees with our view we will just turn away, this way authors can sneak it in, to explain their side.

  9. I think by the author disguising their points is way to give the reader a better comprehension of what the author is trying to get across. People don't like to face their problems so they hide how they really feel. So by the author disguising their points, for people like this it gives the author an easier way to relay their message.

  10. I think writers disguise their points in fiction because their points probably would offend some of their readers and they dont want it to seem that the whole book is about that one point. If the casually slip one of their opinions in their writing then they still get their point across but dont make the whole point of the book about that one opinion. I think that it's smart not to write an essay about their controversial opinions just to get one point across because that one essay could greatly effect how readers view the author and it could cause a stir and discredit them.

  11. I think that in fiction writers keep their points disguised so that people will actually read there stories, because with what Kelli says, if an author sat down and wrote an essay about their point in a certain book, people would get bored and not want to even read the book, and it makes things more interesting when you have to discover the point yourself. Plus, if the author sat and wrote an essay, they themselves would probably get bored with it, why write all that extra information, when people can figure it out on their own, am I right?

  12. I think writers disguise their points because they want to hold the audience’s attention. If a writer was to write an essay over his/her political views, then there would be a very small group of people who would read it. If, they hid there message through comedy or through another story, then more people would find it interesting and they would pay attention to it.

  13. When writers disguise the true meaning or point of their writing it makes it more interesting. If writers just wrote straight forward about what they thought, no one would really read it and pay attention to it, anyone can do that. But writers turn what they think into a story and give it a meaning
