Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chapter 26

On the last page of this chapter, Foster states that "irony doesn't work for everyone." What does he mean by that? Why doesn't it? What does he mean by multivocal and univocal?


  1. I want to compare this to a joke or when someone is being sarcastic:
    When someone tells a joke-a lot of times the person telling the joke gets the joke and thinks its funny but others just look at them like they are stupid because they didn't understand the joke so therefore it wasn't funny
    Also, when people are being sarcastic sometimes they are sarcastic so much you don't know when they are being serious.
    So i compare this to irony because some people can't think that far and know that somethings are actually irony. Some people might just see a road as a road and not a journey to whatever. I think by multivocal and univocal that somethings are univocal like they are only supposed to mean one thing and multivocal things could be deciphered as more than one thing.

  2. Some people just dont see the irony in it. They dont look as far into things as others. Multivocal means something in a story could mean several different things and univocal is it means just one.

  3. i think that some people just dont understand the irony. irony can mean different things to different people. Multivocal means something can be taken several different ways.

  4. I think that he means that what some people think is funny isn't to others or may even be offensive to them. It's like if any one says hey i've got the funniest story to tell you, and they laugh so hard that they can barely spit it all out and then at the end your not tempted to laugh one bit because you though it was stupid. I think what he means by multi-vocal is that irony can be perceived in more than one way or can have more than one meaning depending on the people and by univocal are the kinds of irony that are universal and register to everyone. When you goes on to say that these types of people may not register with multiplicity it's because they are so one sided and not very complex.

  5. I think he's trying to say that people percieve things in all kinds ways, so irony in a situation may mean something totally different to two different people! Multivocal and Univocal are terms that could be used to maybe show that. Multivocal could mean something that could be taken in many different ways, whereas Univocal could represent something that is very literal or doesn't have very much room for interpretation.

  6. i think of irony as sarcasm or like what Crystal said a joke. something that not everybody gets or can do. Like when i went to Washington DC i met a girl from Chicago. She attempted to do sarcasm and failed horribly. I believe it was because we have different upbringing. She is from up north and I'm am from the south. Different tones and expressions.
    Multivocal is where a sentence is taken in many different ways.
    Univocal is where the sentence ony has one meaning or very simple...

  7. I believe Foster is saying that irony isn't understood by everyone because some people have a hard time understanding things and can get confused at times. This happens alot of times to me when authors use vocabulary im not familiar with throughout a story; i have a hard time understanding the point or idea. I believe what he means by multivocal and univocal is that some stuff has more meaning than other things.

  8. I was watching this comedian the other night, and what he said made sense. He said that he tries to tell his mother jokes all the time and she just doesn't get them. The point is, sometimes people don't get jokes and that ruins it...

  9. Some people do not get irony and get easily confused. Maybe through some type of wording or something along the lines people can get lost. Or maybe its an issue the reader is not familiar with, like something in politics or something.

  10. Irony for some people can seem pointless and bland. Some just don't understand things the way a more educated reader would. Readers can usually see the various meanings behind irony, but others may only see one.
