Thursday, September 10, 2009

Interlude One Story

"There is only one story." What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why or why not?


  1. I agree that every novel has a little bit of the authors life in it whether we know it or not because if something in your life happens and it leaves a mark on your life then obviously thats going to affect your writing. This interlude said a lot about archetypes and i agree with that. Everything occurs again at some point i think.

  2. What i believe he meant by this or what i took from it is that there is only on story, be it your life story which you put in your writing which makes our story unique and its own "one story". Or, that there is only one original love story, tragedy, etc. which just develops over time and becomes a little unique and in turn it's own "one story". I completely agree with this because there can never be a truly original story because pretty much all concepts have already been written about and derive from the first "one and only story". Then i also agree that when you add a little of your own life or whatever and make a story unique that it becomes a "only one story".

  3. What i believe is meant by this statement is that no story has different reasons from why a dispute may have began. Every story to some kind of conflict has similar reasons to why things happen the way they do. I agree that for a fact there is only one story because we all have problems and storys to tell, but its imperative to understand that there is only one story because we all relate to one another somehow.

  4. I believe what he is saying which is this; every since the begging has been one story. The story is constant and never ending. Our lives just are a section of the big picture, kind of like a chapter. What we do isn't a set start and end we just blend in with what is already happen and what is going to happen in the future.

  5. our life is but a fraction of the bigger picture the story of the world it has billions upon billions of chapters including each us. thats what i believe he means

  6. I agree with the author because I believe that every story has basically the same background or format it's just told through different points of view with some altercations. Life is basic: you're born, you eat, sleep, and die. That's a story, but it's all about what's in between that makes it unique.

  7. i think he means it was all related and they all tied together. one story leads to another. different experiences happen to different people but we all learn from the other.

  8. I think that "one story" means that we're all a part of something that's bigger than us. We are just kind of all living our lives and doing our part not really knowing what is going to happen and what's not going to happen, just going with the flow. Like chapters in a book.

  9. When the Foster says "one story", to me, that means the story of our lives. People pretty much face the same obsticals as everyone else. I agree with Kelli that there is a bigger picture than what we see. "There is more to me than meets the eye", I love this saying, because it is so true. There is way more going on in our lives than we can understand, we may not know that it is happening, but it is. This is what I believe that Foster is telling us in this interlude.
