Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chapter 27

Ok--we're finished!!! Answer the questions on page 265. (1) What does the story signify? What is Mansfield saying in the story? What do you see as its meaning? AND (2) What does it signify? What elements does Mansfield employ to cause the story to signify whatever it signifies? What elements, in other words, cause it to mean the things you take it to mean?


  1. The story signifies a rivalry between social classes. It shows how people classify others . The story signifies this by using a metaphor of birds and flight to strategize how sheridans keep away from the lower classes. The way the author uses metaphors is why i believe there is a difference between the social classes. To some extent, this story happens everyday in high schools. People are constantly bullying, putting people down, or trying to classify them as if their not human. Therefore as foster has said, there is only one story. Not to say that every story is the same but many stories have the same reasons for causing something to happen.

  2. I believe that Jeff is right. People are always trying to out-do one another. I'm a bit brain dead right now, but I also found the metaphor about birds and flight...It's pretty much saying that the "upper" class were trying to be like birds and "fly" away from the lower classes...that's just a theory

  3. I think its all about competition and rivalry. I agree with tiffany about the birds and flight thing. People are always trying to do something better than the other person. No one can ever be content with being second best. There is no story that has not been told before. We all borrow from things that we have seen and put them in our material.

  4. I beleieve people are always competing with each other to be the best. No one is happy with what they have because they always want more. It's like greed. People in lower classes struggle to just have something and those in upper classes struggle to have more.

  5. The story signifies a battle between the classes and how the classes view each other. The author says this through the metaphors it uses. I think it's meaning is everywhere and that no matter where we go there will always be that battle going on. He uses metaphors to signify this. People are always doing something to be viewed as the better person and this heightens the battle between the classes as well.

  6. I believe everyone tries to be better than everyone else. They have to compete to be better in order to make themselves feel better. No one can ever be content with what they have. They always want to have more. and if someone has something then you want something better than they have.
