Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter 23

This one is short--what was the short story we read in which a woman's heart disease was "heart disease"? What happened to her and why????


  1. The Story of an hour. She was unhappily married and felt trapped. Then she found out her husband died and she grieved bu then realized she was happy at the chance to start over. Then he comes home and she dies of "heart failure". The joy that kills- she was dissapointed and heartbroken at not being able to start over because she had gotten so excited about the idea of being set free.

  2. It was The Story of an hour. A woman who had a weak heart was told that her husband had died. She mourned for maybe a few minutes, and went to sit in her room. Once she realized that she was free to be herself, to live for herself, instead of having to live for her husband, she felt trapped. She was ready to start her life over, but her husband walked in the door, and she died of "heart failure". It wasn't truly heart failure though, she died because of disappointment, because she couldn't be free.

  3. The Story of an Hour- Mr. Mallard was supposedly killed in a train wreck. Mrs. Mallard freaked out at first and then realized it wasn't totally a bad thing because she had been trapped in her marriage and now was free to do what she wants. She knew that things would be hard and seeing him in his casket would be hard but eventually after she mourned for a little she would be okay. Then there is a knock on the door and it's her husband and she sees him and freaks out and dies of "heart failure". And they say that "joy kills her" but really she was disappointed to see him there and she died from being disappointed because she was excited about him being dead and then realizing that he's not and having to go back to being trapped would be worse than being dead.

  4. The story was a story of an hour. The family didnt want to tell her that her husband died in a train wreck due to her heart problems. But when they told her she weeped and then relised she was happy because she was free from to do as she pleased because she wasnt married anymore. Then after she was done morning one day she has a knock on the door and it was her husband and as she relized who it was she died of heart faliure.Due to the fact she knew she wasn't free anymore and may have thaught she was seeing things.

  5. in The Story of the hour the woman greived because of her husbands "death" but then she realized she was free and uncaged. Then fate had it that her husband was a laline and when she came downstairs and saw him she realized she wasn't free and she was still caged and that became to much to bear and she died.

  6. In The Story of an Hour this woman with a heart disease learns that her husband was killed. She began to feel free and excited to live her life for herself. Later, she finds that her husband was not killed in an accident and he is still alive which is when her "heart disease" comes into play and from the shock of seeing her husband, her heart gives up.

  7. In the story of an hour the first scene is basically her getting news that her husband had died from some type of accident. At this moment Mrs. Mallard has a set of mixed emotions; she is sad that her husband will never be back but at the same time she feels as if shes free from the chains. But news gets back to her that her husband had been ok from the accident and just as soon as he walks in she dies from heart failure, the fact that she knew she was not free anymore. Its the joy that kills!!!!!

  8. story of an hour. and she was so overwelmed to find that her husband wasnt dead that she died of being sad because she thought he was dead and she slightly wanted him dead because of her wanting to be free

  9. It was the Story of an Hour. Mrs mallards husband supposedly died in a train wreck and they didnt want to tell her because she had heart problems. When they finally told her she weeped and locked herself in her room until she realized that she was free and happy now. Then when her husband walks in she dies from heart failure because she was so devastated that she wasnt in fact free and the joy she lost killed her

  10. The Story of An Hour! The women learns that her husband dies in a train wreck and at first, she's depressed, then she realizes that she's free and becomes happy. Her doctor's then announce that she died, from joy that kills.

  11. The Story of an hour. The woman finds out that her husband dies, and is first very said, then is happy beacuse she figures that she finially be free from whats been holding her back in life, and then she finds out he is alive, she dies from joy that kills.
