Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter 22

Write about a novel or short story you've read (or a movie if you have to) in which you learn something early on that seems minor but becomes very important later.


  1. On the movie pay it forward, in the beginning it shows a man "paying it forward" to a reporter. To pay it forward is to do something nice or extremely helpful for someone for no reason. Instead of paying someone back who has helped you you pay it forward to someone random and the idea is that they too will pay it forward to someone and so on and so on. Well to put this in the beginning of the movie it seems insignifigant but then as the story progresses it is what makes the story. There is a little boy who makes it his mission to change the world through paying it forward.

  2. We read the short story Sula- I think that in this story it is important at the beginning that you learn the differences from Helene and the other people on the train because in the end you learn that Helene becomes more like the others and learns how society is different in the end.

  3. Well this is about the movie last house on the left. The bad guys kidnap this girl and her friend and one of the bad guys is killing the girls friend, and he tells the girl that is not being killed to tell her friend everything is going to be okay, but of course this is just to be a sick mind trick, because the girl is fatally injured and the bad guy wants her friend to give her false hope, so in the end, the girl that was left alive, her father comes after the bad guy and paralyzes him and the bad guy is scared and screaming and the father tells him dont worry everything will be okay. It was just kind of a cool reference to the beginning and showed in the end that what goes around comes around and people get what they deserve in the end.

  4. In the book carrie, Carrie is a girl that most people make fun of. The students think it is no big deal that she will never do anything to them. But toward the end she starts going after the people who had hurt her and showing them she is powerful. The jokes to her start out as fun but in the end results in there death.

  5. in a Victorian Rose the lemons and orangs seem small but they play a big big part near the end when the main female charcter brings them to the home of the main male and relizes that certain practices he doesnt practice anymore

  6. In the movie The Last House on the Left, this family kidnaps this girl, who always wears this certain necklace, and attempts to kill her. In the end the girl's family found out that the other family had tried to kill their daughter because they had found their daughter's necklace.

  7. the notebook.. you learn that she as alzheimer and you dont think it is important until later on when noah stops reading and you see they arent young anymore they are much older and it is the story of there life but she doesnt remember because she has alzhemiers so she dont remember anything.About having kids or her husband

  8. In the movie the gladiator there is a part where he is like going home n the grass is blowing in the wind, his wife n child run out to meet him blah blah blah, well anyway his family gets killed n he kinda has a dream in like black n white about meeting them again then in his last fight he gets fatally wounded and collapses and it goes back to that scene cuz he is now dead and hes meeting again with his wife and kid

  9. I think the book, My Sister's Keeper could be a good example of this. At the beginning of the book we learn that Anna is a donor to her older sister, Kate, who has leukemia. As the book progresses it shows how much of a big deal it is to Anna-who was genetically created to match her sister's DNA- always having to give her blood and her bone marrow and everything else to her sister when the doctors don't even think Kate will make it through the surgery.

  10. "Crash" is a movie that brings out bigotry and racial stereotypes. The movie is set in Los Angeles, a city with a cultural mix of every nationality. The story begins when several people are involved in a multi-car accident. From that point, we are taken back to the day before the crash, seeing the lives of several characters, and the problems each encounters during that day. Many of the characters switch from being bad-person-to-hero in ways that may surprise you.

  11. in the movie the glass house a young girl and her brother move in with friends of there deceased parents. but they find out mr and mrs glass arent so nice. later on they venture to find that mr glass is pyscho and mrs glass has major depression. the ironic part was that they werent even supposed to have care of the children

  12. In the movie "Definately, maybe" the man is tellng his daughter the story of how he met her mother, it includes three different women that were involved in his life, but all their names are changed, so that she won't know who her mother is until the end of the movie. Towards the beginning he tells her about how one of the women would brush her hands through his hair, whenever he is upset. At first it doesn't seem like a big deal, but in the end she realizes, by that action, that the women who does that is her mother, because she does the same thing to her when she is upset.
