Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chapter 2

This chapter really made me think. I never had considered this possibility before, so now I am racking my brain trying to remember meal scenes from novels I've read. One of the first ones that comes to mind is the wedding celebration scene in Kite Runner. After the main character got married, the two families shared a meal--proving that that the two families had joined as one. This makes sense to me, becuase we do that in our society too. I had just never considered the symbolism of the reption/meal. So far I like this book.

OK, so what do you think? Is eating a meal in literature more than just eating a meal? Do you agree with the author? If so, why? If not, why not? Can you think of an example from literature of a meal/communion with a deeper meaning? If so, describe it. Be sure to include the title and author.


  1. I agree. When i eat with my family, we don't just eat dinner, we talk and tell each other about our day good or bad. Thats what we are, a family and we share emotion with each other. Everyday we eat, and it can be just a meal but when you share emotion with it, it's not meal anymore, it's a communion it has meaning. I remember in this book i read i cant remember the name it was about the moon being knocked closer to the earth and it caused all these weather conditions on Earth. The main character was celebrating her birthday during a major snow storm, and even though her and her family were running low on food, her mother threw a big dinner and they drank wine and ate ham, potatoes, and tons of good food. I wished i was there even though they were in a catastrophe of a situation.

  2. I think the meaning of the meal depends on the situation...If you're on you're way to school and randomly decide to stop at McDonalds to get some food then there's probably not that much meaning there except that you want to eat. On the other hand, if you have prepared a big meal and invited over a bunch of friends or family then there probably is meaning there it would be more than just a meal)... it could be a celebration of some kind which represents the "communion" that was explained in Chapter 2.

  3. Yes, eating a meal in literature is much more than eating a meal in your everyday life. Most families now days don't eat together as a family. Even on special occasions. At my house, we sometimes eat in the living room on Thanksgiving. Not often, but it has happened. It really depends on your family. In literature, families usually talk and converse, where in everyday life, families hardly talk when they eat. I've read books where they have eaten meals and they had a deeper meaning. Off the top of my head, Harry Potter comes to mind. In a few of the books, in the end of the book, Harry and his friends are in the Great Hall and Professor Dumbledore starts talking about heroes in the school. J.K. Rowling described how Harry and Dumbledore's eyes met and their messages were conveyed to each other without words. That kinda shows me that if you really know someone you don't have to speak to let them know something...

  4. I believe meals in lieterature always are more than just a meal. It symbalizes bonding between characters and can also tell you the attitude of the characters. It is the same as in real life. Even if you grab a quick bite to eat with someone, you are going to have conversation with them and you will bond with them. An example that i think about is in a book I recently read called, The Recruit. In this book, it has all the students eating dinner and they are making their friends and bonding with the people that will be key characters in the rest of the book. Also, when one of their enemies comes by, everyone stops eating for the time they walk by and stare.

  5. I agree with the author to a point. A meal is more than just eating in certain instances, really depends on what your definition of a meal is, is going through the drive thru a meal? or is sitting down to eat a meal? Either way in my family a meal is always a more than just eating, we talk about our day and come together as a family for at least once a day. One book that comes to mind is and im not sure about the title, but i think its Summer Ball. The boy in the book always hoped his friend would invite him over to eat with his family because they sat down and ate as a family and his own family didnt. He thought that his friends family was closer with eachother and even refers to the meal as a communion once. The majority of the time, in literature, a meal is more than just a meal. It shows how characters bond and can really show a different side of the character than you will see in the rest of the book.

  6. I believe that in most literature I have read, the meals have always been more meaningful than just a couple of people eating. The people are generally surrounded by loved ones, close friends, or even business associates, and they usually have a purpose for getting everyone together. Although that meals may appear to always be that way in literature, that does not go without saying that every time,in real life, someone tells you that they are going to eat, that it has some bigger purpose other than the simple fact that the person is going to get food because they want it. So as a result I say that, depending on the circumstances, I may or may not agree with the author. In particular a book that I think of, would have to be The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the book the main character is often invited to dinner parties at his neighbor Jay Gatsby's house. He is not invited simply because Gatsby wants to share his food, but because they become close friends, and he likes having him around. That seems to be the case in most other pieces of literature as well.

  7. it really depends it could have a deep meaning it could not it all depends on the context of the situation. So i sorta agree with the author but at the same time i don't because it really all depends on the situation if its a meal between enemies it could be taken as that they are trying to install peace in between them or it its a meal between friends it could be something completely completely. I can't think of any books i have read where meals were really important but I'm sure several pieces of literature have them

  8. I would have to agree with the author. In literature, meals are always more than just eating meals. They are parts of stories that can show how a family interacts and where the charters are at in their relationships with those around them. The book that keeps coming to mind, I can't seem to remember the title, but it was about a boy who had an infatuation with looking in on the neighbor's kitchen while they would eat dinner. And when the boy noticed that the old lady began eating alone, he started to feel sympathy for her and grew very curious. In this case, instead of showing how a family comes together during meal time, it shows how a family was torn apart.

  9. Yes i believe eating a meal in literature can be more than just that in itself. Yes i agree with the author on this subject. The deep meaning or theme authors try to bring out is communion/partnership which means the act of sharing something together with someone. it's an example of qualities we share among each other. Religion is a prime example for communion because we come together most times to confess. A meal is almost like this but a little bit different. Most people usually set down at a meal and talk about how thier day has went and what they did but this can also bring out character in someone. At the moment i cant remember a book off the top of the head where a meal really had a deep meaning but im sure if i use annotation a little more it will be helpful for me to get to pick up on some hidden themes in literature.

    Jeff Abel

  10. I believe eating a meal within a story is very symbolic of unity and friendship as it says in the book. I think that it isn't as important as communion was, but oh well. But when we do eat, we do come together, which is why family's like to eat at the table. It is a place to share stories of the day and plans for tomorrow, a place to share dreams and aspirations, and most of all, a place to share love.

  11. I do believe that eating a meal in a novel can have a much deeper meaning than just eating food with another. I agree with the author in that a meal can be more than just a meal such as communion, but i do not believe there will be a meal as important or necessary as communion.

  12. I think in the society we are in now that eating a "meal" can mean different things. I know someone I work with, their family never have a home cooked meal. They always go out to eat or get take out. I believe this would be more than just eating a meal if they are sitting down together. However, i know many families that get take out, they go home and then eat all in different rooms. That isn't more than "just a meal". However, if the family is sitting down around a table sharing about their day and what not, then that is more than "just a meal". Eating together means bonding and people coming together. I agree with your idea of the reception after a wedding, it is two families coming together at a meal and bonding. I can't think of really any books that i have read that have a meal in them

  13. Well, some meals are just meals. It all depends on the conversations that take place during the meal. I mean this day in time some families are different then the typical "50's" family that ate dinner together every-night and discussed day to day activities that were present. But now in most families both parents work and so do some of the children. Most modern families dont see each other as much anymore. But in most stories the family meal is significant ..

  14. Now that i have read this chapter i see a new way of the mean scene. i agree with the author that a meal means alot. When to people come together and eat it can show peace and calmness. You more than likely wouldn't go eat with someone that you are fighting with. So eating is a area to get away from the problems. In the bible Jesus conducts the last supper. It doesn't just mean they come together to eat it represent Jesus's final bit on the earth.

  15. I think that in Literature, after i have thought about it and after reading chapter 2, i believe that a meal is more than just a meal, in some situations that is. If the character is just grabbing a quick bite to eat then its not really symbolizing anything, but if the character is gathering around a big dinner with family and friends or even enemies, then i agree with the author, it does symbolize something. whether its uniting families or showing friendship or even trying to get rid of your enemy in a concealed way, it has an underlying purpose that is up to the readers to find out.

  16. i believe that a meal in literature usually means something deeper than just eating, because authors tend to not not include something in a story that is meaningless. and when there is a meal in a story the characters are usually talking about something important, or something that happens at the meal could be important.

  17. Yes, I think a meal in literature is much different than a meal at home. In literature there is usually a purpose and at home its just to fill your stomach. when you think of a meal in literature you imagine a bunch of people at a table talking. At home your usually in front of the t.v. or off on your own. Yes i do agree with the arthur their is a purpose. I cant think of a meal that iv read about that has a deeper meaning other than just a meal

  18. I think that a meal when it comes to literature is more than just a meal and i do agree with the author. I think a meal can be very useful to a writer because it gives those characters time to bond. It can be used to describe what one of the characters has been going through lately or just that day. It can also be used as the climax or main turning point of the story if while at the dinner table a conversation gets a little too heated and a bunch of previously unknown information becomes know. I think that eating a meal with your friends or family is such a common way to bond with others that if an author has an opportunity to use that in their story to help convey the stories plot or tone that they should. People use eating food as a way to connect with others all the time, holidays, funerals, rehearsal dinners, etc. so if the author can include those times in their stories then we can relate to the characters on a more personal level.

  19. A meal to me in literature should always have a deeper meaning because it can always show the outcome of how a family may react to the presence of others being around or how two lovers may view in other in different perspectives. One piece of literature i can think of is the last supper with Jesus and his 12 disciples because it always has the deepest showing of a communion or supper between diverise people from different backgrounds and who is trusthworthy.

  20. again with that book i was reading "heavy metal and you" there is a part when the main character has to meet his gf's friends. they go to some restaurant and share life stories. so yes meals are more then meets the eye they are a communion. but i never realized it until i read this chapter of this book.
