Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chapter 12

I really liked this chapter. It was nice to finally hear an "authority" tell me that not every symbol has to mean the same thing to every reader. I think I am more like those of you who want someone to tell me exactly what the symbol stands for, but it is nice to realize that I can figure it out for myself and get it right--even if it's only right for me.

I agree with him that there are things that have a certain meaning--The Road Not Taken is always going to symbolize a choice we did not make--but that choice is different for everyone.

So what do you think about symbols? Are you one of those readers who sees symbolization in everything? Do you have difficulty identifying symbols? What books, stories, or poems can you think of with a symbol? What did it symbolize?


  1. I think everything in life has to have some sort of a symbol. All the time an apple has symbolized a teachers favorite treat. If you are quiet you are symbolized by a mouse. Church's have crosses that symbolize the sacrifice that christ gave on the cross, the democratic party is symbolized by a donkey while the republican is symbolized by the elephant. So symbols are used in our culture and without them i think life would be kind of boring.

  2. I agree with the author that symbols generally mean whatever you interpret them to mean. Some symbols like the white flag have the same meaning or a couple meanings that all mean about the same thing. However, I do think that authors put symbols in works for their own reasons, and sometimes we can understand what those reasons are or we can come up with our own. I think authors want us to understand what they want the symbol for and to make up our own. I do have difficulty identifying symbols a lot. Sometimes I might think something is a symbol, but it's not and its just a part of the story or even the other way around. I think in A Prayer for Owen Meany that the baseball was a symbol. I think it symbolized death and how someone can be taken from us so fast and how something that isn't considered a weapon can be a weapon.

  3. Symbols are all over and they are very important in literature. I sometimes find it hard to find symbols in literature, but I can sometimes see symbols that lyricists put in their songs. They can symbolize events that have occurred in their lives or someone close to them. In some of the poems I have read in class I have even found symbols.

  4. For me, i can never see the symbols in the books I read. Even though they are important I can't see them till the end of the book. An Example of a book that had symbolism is Holes. EVerything lead to another. It was more the people being symbols then items but it still fit the symbolism. The peaches and onions where definitely symbolism, it connecting the past with the present with Stanley the 2 and the 3. There is so much going on in that much, it is my favorite.

  5. Symbols should be somewhat obvious in books, because I'm one of those people that will easily overlook things like that if they're not explained in detail. If I'm told that I need to be looking for some type of symbolism in what I'm reading or watching (for like an english project or whatever) then that's different because I would be aware that somewhere in the story there actually is symbolism! A story that I can think of that has a lot of symbolism is Slaughter-House 5. Yes, Jamon... I read the book. : )

  6. I like symbols in stories and i especially like the idea that not every symbol has one meaning. I like to think that symbols in stories can realte just to me and if it's a particularly deep symbol i like that i can get something out of it; advice, etc. I've never really thought about specifically looking for symbols in a book im reading so im sure i've skimmed past hundreds of them. Whenever its a noun that's symbolic like a locket or something i can figure that one out piece of cake, but when a situation is symbolic i dont think i really think of it that way i just automatically relate it to myself and derive my own meaning from it. In the book lock and key, a girl with a troubled past wore her old house key around her neck like a necklace so that she didn't lose it. I think that that was symbolic for having some one you miss and love with you still or a piece of a rough past that you want to carry with you at all times because it reminds you of who you are and what you've been through.

  7. I believe symbols are a part of every aspect of life including literature. I am a person who can pick up on symbols alot better in music. Literature seems to be a bit harder for me to pick up on cause reading comprehension is not the best. In the prayer for owen meany the armadillo figure was a symbol of john and owens friendship.

  8. Symbols, what a topic. Personally I’m symbol dumb and cant figure out the meaning to anything symbolic and need help from others to point them out and explain. Now don’t get me wrong i can deal with some symbols like the road not taken, i get it. But a symbol i have heard like that and i actually understand is the bright light, you know, “i saw a bright light” it symbolizes heaven or plain and simple the fact that you are dieing. But hey since symbols can mean whatever i want them to or however i can see them as, then im good to go, ill make up my own meanings.

  9. I remember last year, everytime Mr. McElrath would mention something, a few people in our class would always say "Symbolism." I think they were right. Most things (if not everything) has symbolismn. I wear a bracelet on my left wrist that is symbolic to me.

  10. symbols...they are a part of lierature and life no matter where you are. music most definetely is symbolic for me because when people take the time to write lyrics for songs they writing about their feelings about the subject. i dont so much have diffuculty its just somethings i see differently then others like in The Prayer for Owen Meany the whold armadillo thing made no sense to me. In the Victorian Rose the Helleborne aka the christmas rose was symbolic of the man because despite its dark roots it blooms into a beautiful flower.

  11. There are symbols for everything, whether it be in literature or in everyday life. Sometimes when I read a book it takes me a while to see the symbols, but I do pick up on them. I am really not to sure about some books with symbols in them, I mean I don't really remember any. But there are so many all around us, and I have to agree with Josh, without them, life would be boring.

  12. It is very hard for me to identify symbols in stories. If it is not pointed out to me and i know exactly where it is, then chances are, I will never get it. While I say it is hard for me to find symbols, I am always over examining literature trying to find that symbol. I can look for a while just trying to find some subtle meaning in a story. That is why when I read, I just read the book and let the overall feeling of the book give me the opinions showed through those symbols.

  13. I sometimes find it hard to see the symbols in stories. Most times I have to read the same thing a few times before i finally identify the symbol. But I also am always looking for a deeper meaning to the books and stories i ready. Symbols are everywhere and in everyday life. I cant think off the top of my head a book with alot of symbols in it, but im sure the Lord of the Rings and books like that have them everywhere
